Body Piercings by Caitlin
Caitlin was drawn to piercing herself and others singe a young age. To be specific, saving up my allowance for a copy of the world records books of oddities at my elementary school fueled my fire. From a simple earlobe piercing to advanced facial and surface piercings- I love ever piercing I perform! I do pierce minors and kid's first earlobe piercings, for more info see the specific pages! I do also offer half off piercings for 18 & up every Wednesday. See details for that promo here! Reach out anytime- I'm a one woman business who loves her job so I'm happy to chat always.

My Favorite Aftercare Everrr
Dr. Piercing Swabs and Sprays
This is favorite product I've used for my own piercings and clients going on 2 years now- It's simple, sterile and most importantly- HYDRATING! See the specific details for each product use on this link- I'll also explain how to use them for your specific piercing at your appointment.
Half Off Piercings every Wednesday
1-4 piercings, 18 and up
I'm happy to offer a weekly promotion to give all of you ballers on budgets a chance to get yourself adorned! In order to do this promotion- I take a nonrefundable $25 booking fee to hold you a 30-45 minute time slot. During this time you may receive 50% off up to 4 piercings with the jewelry included in the price. I do have upgrades available at an uncharge. All starter jewelry is Hypoallergenic and pre-sterilized by me personally.

Kiddo's First Ear Piercings
6 and up- *this is the best age for anatomy to look correct and the child is emotionally ready* trust me! I'm a mom :)
I love piercing kiddo's as I am a mom and pierced my daughter for her 6th birthday! I am strict on this age being the best for the child's experience, the anatomy to have correct placement throughout life (no low holes here!) and the emotions are ready! Please see requirements on ID.
Teen Piercings
I love piercing teens! I'm grateful to be helping them be expressive and receive a piercing with professional & sterile products, so that they're set up for a successful and flattering piercing. Please see the legally required I.D. items and fill out your paperwork when you schedule!